25 August 2021

Forsters paves the way green with the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance

Earlier this year Forsters joined the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance, an initiative which encourages a commitment to find new and sustainable ways to attract early talent.

The purpose of the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance is to encourage a more environmentally sustainable approach to early talent recruitment, addressing in particular the amount of waste produced from merchandising at recruitment fairs, as well as more sustainable practices relating travel, food and onboarding materials throughout the recruitment process.

Our work to date includes:

  • Reducing the number of printed handouts given out at careers fairs,
    instead signposting people to online materials available on our
    website, via QR codes
  • Focusing on virtual events, which we have increased during the pandemic

We have recently shared a case study, outlining how we are embedding sustainability in our graduate recruitment processes and broader operations.

We are building on our graduate recruitment work and a number of key areas we are addressing next include:

  • Eliminating more printed materials from the graduate recruitment milk rounds, when they restart
  • Replacing branded products with donations to environmental and local charities, and
  • Moving the recruitment and onboarding process online and providing digital rather than paper resources to new joiners, regardless of whether they start at the firm in person or virtually.

We are excited to build on the success of our recent virtual activity, which is not only sustainable but also enables us to engage with more people, and to continuing to work with the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance to take forward initiatives.

Our Sustainability Hub

We are committed to running a business that is environmentally sustainable. Not only do we continually strive to minimise our impact on the environment, but we have years of experience of incorporating sustainability considerations into the legal advice that we provide to our clients.

Our sustainability hub brings together the team’s insights and legal expertise on a broad range of environmental matters that affect our clients' business and personal affairs. This is a rapidly evolving and wide-ranging area of law and we will continue to share our insights about related legal developments on this hub.

Forsters For Sustainability

Our Insights

"At the heart of our success are our people and our clients"
Smita Edwards, Senior Partner