The reimagined Department Store

For some time now the loss of the traditional “anchor” has been the headline grabber as one of many nooses around the neck of retail,  but in a sector not historically known for its adaptability,  it is refreshing to see both new and existing operators grasp the opportunities that are now available.

We have seen significant increases in leisure occupiers taking over larger spaces in the high street and within shopping centres,  and to now see almost 100,000 sq ft of retail space transformed into the new Next “department store” concept is a really positive boost. 

Moving to a new department store model incorporating concessions has seen this particular occupier almost treble its footprint at this scheme, and across the country the use of concessions is of particular note.

Whilst there will still be bumps in the road ahead, it’s good to see that quality retail is still looking for and acting on opportunities.

On a personal note, I’m delighted to be able to lead the Forsters Retail team in delivering this transaction for James Pelly and the asset management team at Global Mutual, working alongside Claire French and the team at Next – fantastic to see large space being reimagined and wish them all the very best for their continued expansion plans.

Next has opened a new department store which combines the brand’s home, beauty and fashion offers for the first time.
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