4th August – Cycle to Work Day…

Whilst I’ve now been cycle-commuting for a couple of years, it can no doubt be quite daunting to consider starting out, so what better motivation than the opportunity to WIN (yes actually WIN) a new bike courtesy of National Cycle to Work Day coming up on 4th August.

August is one of the best months to be cycling to work – with a lot of people away on holidays the roads tend to be a bit quieter so why not get into the shed this evening, dust of the bike, give it a clean and a bit of WD-40 and be ready for Thursday…. 

Here are some top tips for those thinking of commuting via two wheels :-

  1. Make sure you have a snack mid/late afternoon before you ride home.
  2. Have a number of routes to / from work to mix things up a bit.
  3. Essential bits of kit:
    • A bell
    • Don’t skimp on a waterproof / windproof clothing.
  4. There is no such thing as TOO BRIGHT when it comes to hi-viz or lights.
  5. Less is more when it comes to bike lube.
  6. A weekly bike clean makes a massive difference.
  7. Monday and Fridays tend to be quieter “road” days on my routes in the new working week. May not be the same for others.
  8. If you’re commuting any sort of distance regularly you could be looking at changing chains 2 – 3 times a year…… to save you destroying chainset/cassette !

See you all on the streets this Thursday then….

So, this year, whether you’re already a committed cycle commuter or just starting out on your journey - get on your bike and get to work the best way you can.

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