The Vineyard Falconer

Not since I read about the fact that “Spotify Playlist Curator” was a job that people earnt a living doing have I felt as envious of a job (as opposed to the legal path and career that I have followed).

As the wine market continues to grow and the challenge to keep margins healthy it seems that growers are turning to new ways to reduce losing crops and therefore profits. This wonderful feature on Alina Blankenship and her business ( highlights the new ways that vineyards may be protected (and arguably more sustainably than netting or alarms). 

While we at Forsters are “all in” in our commitment to our clients in the vineyard and winery sector, I am sorry to say that we can’t offer up falconry as part of our services (yet!) but we do offer every other legal specialism needed if you own or want to own a vineyard or winery. And if I really try hard, I can imagine that us selecting the right lawyers on a team can equate to selecting the right bird for the vineyard and situation on the ground, as regardless of whether you are a falconer or a lawyer you need to have specific talent and expertise to get the job done properly for your client.

“I’m a strategist, I’m a quarterback, I’m a trainer and I’m a coach,” she says. “Day and night, I have birds with me. You have to be all in if you commit to being a falconer.”
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