Cadogan v Alberti – a LONG awaited determination

It really is quite mind blowing some times how long it can take for a single point to be determined in an enfranchisement case.  All the while, the matter is completely on hold…

Cadogan v Alberti concerns a statutory claim made pursuant to the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 and more specifically, the disregard of value added by improvements.  

The Supreme Court has recently refused permission to appeal – this claim having been initiated on 13 May 2019!!!

If the parties cannot settle on the price payable for the freehold now, this will have to be determined by the Upper Tribunal.  Watch this space!

The notice claiming the freehold was served on 13 May 2019, and it has taken over 3½ years just to get a final determination of the legal basis on which the price is to be arrived at.
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