Home is where the happiness is

Recent Homes England research has found that, on average, people living in specialist older people’s housing reported higher life satisfaction scores when compared with people living in non-specialist general market housing. This research looked at different types of older people’s housing, and focused on age-restricted general market housing (Type A), retirement living or sheltered housing (Type B), and Extra Care housing or housing-with-care (Type C).

The research found that both Type B and Type C specialist housing offers healthcare benefits, by generating financial savings for the national healthcare system. In particular, this research estimates a fiscal saving of £1,840 per person per year for those living in Type C accommodation.

Given the backdrop of an ageing population in the UK, this research is certainly well-timed. Demand for specialist housing for older people continues to grow, and has much to offer both in terms of occupants’ well-being and wider economic benefits.

The research comes at a critical time for the UK in thinking about future provision of housing for older people.

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Nadine Gibbon

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