Corporate social responsibility

How we make a difference

"The approach to CSR at Forsters reflects our belief that we have a collective responsibility to be good members of our community. Through a range of CSR activities our staff are able to make a difference by helping others and they have great fun at the same time."

Christine Dubignon – Partner and Head of the Forsters' Charity Committee

Forsters' CSR Report

CSR at Forsters 2021-2022

  • Sustainability

    Forsters has been a carbon neutral firm since 2007, and we have pledged to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, in line with science-based target requirements.

  • St Andrew's Club and our community

    We hold regular fundraising and engagement events with the firm's charity, St Andrew’s Club, as well as a Lunch Club for refugees with a local chapel and those without recourse to public funds, and we encourage staff to use their CSR Day to volunteer with charitable causes each year.

  • Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

    We have an active Diversity and Inclusion Committee, we are part of the LeGalBesT network, NOTICED network, and we are a signatory to the Halo Code. We have an Diversity and Inclusion strategy, which outlines our D&I commitments.


The firm has a long history of engaging in CSR and pro bono work. Through our CSR and pro bono activities we encourage sustainability, promote diversity and support charitable causes, community activities and individuals. We encourage all members of the firm to participate in CSR and pro bono work, and there are many ways to get involved.

CSR at Forsters comprises Charity and Community, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability and Pro Bono initiatives.

Diversity and Inclusion

Valuing the individual

Forsters recognises and appreciates that no two people are the same. We are working hard to break down barriers and encourage and embrace people’s differences so that Forsters is an environment where every individual can flourish, with equal access to opportunities for professional development and personal growth. We have an active Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which is supporting the delivery of our Diversity and Inclusion strategy, and support networks which focus on Disability, Faith, Gender Equality, LGBTQ+, Race, Social Mobility, and Working Parents and Carers.


Caring for the environment

We are committed to achieving a sustainable and healthy working environment. The principles of sustainability are integrated into our business practices and reflected in our policies and decision making. We are dedicated to minimising our environmental footprint through reducing our carbon emissions and material consumption, recycling as much of our waste as possible and encouraging other sustainable behaviours. The firm’s sustainability work is led by our Green Impact Group and Sustainability Board. We were shortlisted for the LexisNexis award for sustainability in 2020, and we are working to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in line with science-based target requirements.

Charity and Community

Getting involved in our community

Forsters recognises our collective responsibility to be accountable to our clients, staff and the wider community. Our partners and staff work together to support a range of charitable initiatives, and as part of this we are proud to have a firmwide charity that unites staff under one common cause.

Pro bono

Sharing our legal expertise

We are engaged in a variety of pro bono activities that benefit our local and wider communities. Our lawyers work with The Chancery Lane Project, Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre, South Westminster Legal Advice Centre, and Citizen’s Advice Wandsworth, amongst others.