Is the logistics sector immune to Covid-19?

In the current pandemic, we have all benefited from the UK’s logistics sector. 

The sector has kept our cupboards stocked with food and has also alleviated the stresses and strains of working from home by delivering thousands of office chairs and monitors (although I must confess that I continue to persevere with the kitchen table chair/laptop combo).

Indeed, the logistics sector looks well equipped to respond to the changing nature of the world that we live in. Increased automation will certainly be a legacy of Covid-19 and the demand for products to be delivered to our doorsteps is unlikely to cease.

That said, certain segments of the logistics sector have more antibodies than others. Whilst essential global powerhouses such as Amazon and supermarkets continue to be in demand, there are others which are experiencing the pain which is shared by the majority of the economy. 

46% of the UK’s truck fleet is parked up and the four main cargo companies in the UK have warned of the imminent collapse of the sector. The raft of closed restaurants and airports explains these startling facts.

Just like every other sector in the economy during this pandemic, the logistics sector has its winners and losers.

But something getting less attention is the polarised logistics economy we have at the moment.
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