Below you will find information regarding our Data Protection Statement, and Interest Policy.
Forsters LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England with no. OC306185 whose registered office is at the below address. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 400249). We use the terms ‘partner’ or ‘partners’ to refer to a member of Forsters LLP, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of members is available for inspection at the principal place of business at which service of documents will be effective.
Complaints Policy
Forsters is committed to providing a first class service to each and every client. We recognise that there will be occasions when we may fail to achieve the very high standards we set for ourselves and which our clients expect from us. Mistakes may occur, things may go wrong or we may fail to explain something clearly. When something does go wrong, we need you to tell us about it straight away so that we can put matters right without delay. Addressing your complaint or dealing with your concern as quickly as we can is important to delivering the first class service we strive to provide.
If you have any complaint, question or concern whatsoever about the service we are providing or have provided to you we ask you to let us know immediately and we promise to deal with your complaint without delay.
Click here to read our Complaints Policy
Data Protection Statement
Forsters takes the security and privacy of data seriously. This document sets out our approach to compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and provides information about how we will manage our data privacy and security obligations.
Click here to read our Data Protection Statement
Our use of cookies
Forsters uses cookies to provide the best possible user experience as well as to track site use and behaviour in order to continue to enhance our website and its content.
Click here to read our cookie policy
Email marketing and tracking
Where you receive a marketing email, email invitation or other direct mailing from us, we may collect information about you in the following ways:
- Opening emails: if you open the email either by downloading images in the email or clicking a link we log such activity within the Vuture database.
- View as a web page: If you click “View it as a web page£ link, a tracking code is passed in the link so that the web page is personalised in the same way as the email.
- Links to web pages: If you click on any web link, we pass a tracking code in the link to the web page which we use to log such activity in the Vuture database.
- Unsubscribe: If you click “unsubscribe”, we will automatically log this information in the Vuture database. If you unsubscribe from any email invitation or alert, we will continue to store your personal data on a “marketing suppression list” so as to record your preference.
- Event RSVP buttons: In our event invitations and confirmations we provide buttons to allow you to accept, decline, cancel and register (if you are not the original recipient of the email) for that event. Clicking on these buttons will pass a tracking code so we can record your choice in our database to help us manage the event.
No cookies are used for email tracking.
Interest Policy (effective from 1 December 2024)
In accordance with the SRA Accounts Rules, it is the firm’s policy to account to its clients for a sum in lieu of interest on a fair and reasonable basis.