Recognised as one of eprivateclient’s “50 Most Influential” private client professionals and one of Legal Week’s Private Client Global Elite, Xavier leads Forsters’ award-winning private client practice.
As the Head of Private Client, Xavier advises individuals, families and trustees in the UK and overseas on personal taxation, trust and estate planning. Xavier has specialist expertise in the establishment, taxation and operation of cross-border asset holding structures – including companies, partnerships, trusts, private trust companies and foundations.
Technically gifted and commercially astute, he is a trusted advisor to international wealthy families. He has particular experience in advising families and trustees with business interests – including on the creation of family charters and constitutions, and other aspects of family governance.
For overseas clients, Xavier advises on pre-arrival tax planning for individuals seeking UK residency, and succession planning for those with assets in more than one jurisdiction. He frequently advises clients who have a US connection, both on the UK aspects of US/UK estate planning, and the interaction between UK and US taxes.