Ranked in the latest Legal 500’s Hall of Fame and Band 1 in Chambers HNW Guide, Nick is recognised as ‘a leader in his field’ for his ‘sophisticated private wealth planning advice’, and a first class lawyer.

A Partner in the Private Client team with over 40 years’ experience, Nick is a world renowned specialist in family governance and succession planning. Working with multi-generational business families, Nick makes it a priority to understand the psychology of the family, in order to uncover the issues and deal with these head on. Only then can Nick put in place the necessary legal structures to ensure the successful transition of wealth from one generation to the next.

Nick advises a number of globally significant families, trustees and family offices with assets and family members based in multiple jurisdictions. He specialises in all aspects of cross-border estate planning, especially trusts holding family businesses, that protect against family disputes, including divorce.

With ‘a phenomenal reputation in Asia’, (Chambers 2024), Nick has a particular focus on advising families in East Asia and understands the evolving cultural dynamics facing different generations in this region. This is demonstrated by Nick’s recognition as a foreign expert in Singapore in the latest Chambers HNW Guide; one of only three individuals named for this expertise. He has also been cast as “The Godfather of Asian Family Governance”.

He also specialises in UK taxation for individuals and trusts, cross-border taxation coordination, and advises banks and trust companies on technical issues. Nick is a STEP Emeritus Member and was named ‘Trusted Advisor of the Year’ at the STEP Private Client Awards 2024. He is also Who’s Who Global Private Client Practitioner of the Year 2023.

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