5 July 2022

Keeping up with the modern family: Hannah Mantle to speak at TL4 & ConTrA Contentious Trusts conference

Dispute Resolution Senior Associate, Hannah Mantle, is speaking at the Thought Leaders 4 & ConTrA conference ‘The Modern Trust – Contentious Trusts in a Changed Social Media Landscape’.

The conference, taking place on 5 July 2022, will see experts join together to discuss the hot topics and issues facing trusts in today’s world.

Hannah will join Simon Goldring of Maurice Turnor Gardner and Emilia Piskorz of Mishcon de Reya to provide a session at 16:30 entitled ‘Keeping up with the modern family: looking through the crystal ball to ask what families will look like in the next decade’.

You can find out more about the event here.

Our Insights

"Our staff, our clients and other friends of Forsters have always had a wide range of charitable interests. The financial help offered by the partners through the Trust reflects a commitment to charity that has come to form an essential part of the firm's ethos. It is exciting to see the variety of good causes supported each year."
David Robinson, Consultant and Trustee since 1998