22 March 2021

Rosie Schumm and Shabana Saleem join Cambridge University Law Society’s pro bono domestic abuse panel

Family Partner, Rosie Schumm, and Senior Associate, Shabana Saleem, were invited to join a domestic abuse panel, hosted by Cambridge University Law Society, on 15 March 2021.

The panel discussed the rise in domestic abuse cases - and how lawyers, protective services and Pro Bono initiatives have responded to the ‘shadow pandemic.’ Rosie and Shabana’s discussion points included:

  • What is the effect of Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions?
  • How does the legal system step in to protect domestic abuse victims and ensure that the home is a safe sanctuary?
  • Are remote hearings effective? Or do they present new challenges?
  • How do law firms contribute to pro bono initiatives?
  • The Family team’s pro bono work with Solace Women’s Aid.
  • Recommendations for how students can get involved with domestic abuse issues.

The panel discussion was a unique opportunity to encourage students to engage with the variety of pro bono services. The panel explored the various ways that the pandemic has created unique challenges for charities in fundraising, engaging vulnerable clients and servicing clients.

Rosie and Shabana jointly commented: “the panel discussion explored the wide variety of pro bono initiatives and inspired us to renew our efforts in suitable selected cases to undertake pro bono work in these difficult times.”

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