27 July 2023

Bryan Shacklady quoted in Law 360 article - Forex Ruling Signals ‘Permissive’ Approach to Class Actions

Dispute Resolution Counsel, Bryan Shacklady was quoted in Law 360’s recent article on the Court of Appeal’s recent decision to allow a £2.7 billion forex rigging claim to proceed as an opt-out collective action.

Appellate judges on Tuesday reversed a ruling by the Competition Appeal Tribunal, finding the specialist tribunal was too quick to block opt-out claims that would automatically enroll thousands of companies into mass litigation against a group of banks.

Bryan stated that "The Court of Appeal decided the CAT was wrong to take a view on the strength of that case because by definition, any view it took could only ever be provisional because the class representatives haven't pleaded their final case.”

The full article can be read here, behind a paywall.

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