29 March 2022

Stuart Hatcher speaks to the Independent: Chelsea’s new owners could ‘set the tone’ by granting fans golden share

Corporate Partner, Stuart Hatcher, has spoken to the Independent about Brentford's golden share deal, which he drew up in 2012, and how he believes Chelsea’s new bosses should look to do something similar.

Hatcher said “this could be a catalyst for a number of important things that should be coming down the line anyway. I think Chelsea’s new owners giving supporters the golden share would set the tone for other clubs."

The article was first published on the Independent on 29 March 2022, and is available to read in full here: Chelsea’s new owners could ‘set the tone’ by granting fans golden share.

The implications of a "Golden Share" in football

When Tracey Crouch MP published her report on the “fan led” review of football, I was taken by the reference to the intention to “develop proposals…to offer greater protection…through a ‘golden share’ for fans, giving veto powers over reserved items, to be held by a democratic legally constituted fan group”.

A picture of a football stadium

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