Wills, trusts and estate planning

Estate planning gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and pass on your assets in accordance to your wishes. Deciding who will inherit your assets, whether it be family, friends or organisations that are important to you, and the way they receive these assets, are all important considerations in an estate planning exercise. As well as ensuring this is done in the most tax efficient way possible.
A sophisticated estate plan will be robust enough to protect everyone’s interests, particularly where there are complex assets at play such as a family business, while being sufficiently flexible to adapt to an evolving tax and legal landscape.
Our award-winning Private Client team specialises in inheritance and estate planning for high net worth families. We will take the time to understand your wishes, talk you through your options and help put in place a bespoke estate plan that best suits your circumstances.
How we can help:
Making a will is a vital part of any estate planning exercise. An up-to-date will ensures that wealth is passed on in accordance with your (the testator’s) wishes and ensures your family members or wider network receive the gifts and shares of your estate that you wish to leave them.
At Forsters, our private client lawyers are experts in drafting and interpreting wills.
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs)
We can advise on the making and putting in place of LPAs for both welfare and financial decisions in the event of losing capacity.
Tax planning
Our in-depth understanding of all aspects of UK taxation, enables us to advise you on the most effective use of tax reliefs such as inheritance tax and investment reliefs.
Trusts and other holding vehicles
We advise on the set up and running of appropriate holding vehicles, such as trusts or family investment companies. These structures can help provide a greater level of control over your assets.
Family business succession
We advise on business succession and structuring the family business so that it may be passed on effectively in the future.
Cross-border estate planning
Tax and succession laws differ vastly between jurisdictions. If you have assets and family members based across the world it is essential to put in place a cross-border estate plan that is informed by how the laws of each relevant jurisdiction interact with each other. With strong connections to advisors across the globe we regularly co-ordinate advice to create a holistic international estate plan that is effective across all applicable jurisdictions.
Our specialist US-UK team has vast experience of estate planning for individuals and families with US connections.